Sunday, May 2, 2010

CD suncatcher

Materials needed:
2 CDs
embroidery floss
permanent markers

1. Decorate the plain, silver sides of two CDs with permanent markers. You can also add stickers, rhinestones and anything else you can find.

2. Place the two CDs together with the decorated sides facing out.

3. Cut a 20" piece of embroidery floss and loop it through the center of the CDs. Tie a knot at the top of the CD. Then, tie another know at the top of the floss. Hang it in your window and watch it sparkle!

Styrofoam shrink art

Materials needed:
Styrofoam meat tray

Cut shapes and color a picture on the bottom of a styrofoam meat tray. Put them on a cookie sheet and in the oven for a few minutes on about 350 degrees. You will see them curl and shrink; then they are ready to take out.

You can make your shrink art into jewelry by following the directions above. Just punch a hole before putting into oven. Thread onto yarn or colored string. Make necklaces and bracelets.


Materials needed:
Plastic 2 liter soda pop bottle with cap
Very sharp scissors or craft knife
Dirt or potting soil

Remove the label from the bottle. Discard label. Save cap!
Wash and rinse out the bottle and cap.
Cut the bottle close to the bottom. There may be a "line" near the end of where the label was, that's a good place to cut. You can cut it higher if you wish.
Lightly place dirt or potting soil in the base.
Plant a few seeds in the dirt.
Lightly water.
Put the cap on the bottle.
Cover the base with the top of the bottle. You will have to fiddle with it a bit to fit back inside the base.
Place in a sunny spot and watch for your seeds to grow.
When the plants are ready, repot them or plant them in your garden.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Paper beads

Materials Needed:
Gift Wrap
Waxed Paper
Craft Glue
Paint Brush

1. For each bead, cut out a triangular strip of paper that measures about 1 ¼” across the base and 10 ½” from the base to the tip (see reverse side for a visual and pattern).
2. Lay the strip of paper color-side down on a piece of waxed paper.
3. Coat the surface of the paper with glue using a paint brush (add water to glue if too thick).
4. Stick the base of the strip to the side of a toothpick.
5. Roll the paper, wrapping the paper repeatedly around the toothpick. Be careful not to roll the paper too tight so the toothpick can be removed later.
6. Coat the color-side of rolled paper with glue.
7. Gently remove the bead from the toothpick and place on waxed paper.
8. Once the glue dries, string the finished beads on leather, yarn, nylon cord, or string.